What's myTMJ Pen?

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Here's what you and your patients will notice about myTMJ Pen

Dear PTs, MTs and Chiros

Heating pads suck...

They're cumbersome. They're not temperature controlled. They force your hands off the patient.

Solution: myTMJ Pen lets you combine adjustable heat into your massages, mobilizations, stretches and releases. 20% more hands on time - 20% faster turnover.

TMJ soft tissue work is painful...

Solution: myTMJ Pen involves the analgesic effects of heat and vibration to maximize comfort during treatment

Your patients need help at home too...

Flare ups happen all the time. Patients shouldn't have to "suck it up and deal with the pain." But nothing out there is convenient enough.

Solution: You can sell your patients a tool they can use anywhere, anytime. They'll love you for it.

Not just for the TMJ

myTMJ Pen is heated massage where massage guns can't go!

Practitioners rave about its effectiveness in the neck, head, elbows, wrists, ankles, spine, etc.

Nothing out there offers the pinpoint heat, and contouring pressure you get from myTMJ Pen.

Dear Dentists

You're the first point of contact for most TMD patients...

Now when you recommend heat & massage - you can sell them a tool to make it convenient.

A routine visit can be a TMJD Patient's worst nightmare...

myTMJ Pen helps make long periods of mouth opening less painful. AND it helps increase maximum opening to make your life easier.

Unparalleled Support

We take education as seriously as you do. In the early stages of TMD, education is the stuff that can change lives.

myTMJ Pen Tutorials

We offer special bulk pricing and affiliate rewards.

Email us for more details: info@mytmjrelief.com