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The Gender TMJ Gap - Why Women's Jaws Hurt More

The Gender TMJ Gap - Why Women's Jaws Hurt More

I’m sure you somewhat know that women have more jaw pain than men. But did you know that women are almost TWICE as likely to get TMJ Disorders as men?...

The Gender TMJ Gap - Why Women's Jaws Hurt More

I’m sure you somewhat know that women have more jaw pain than men. But did you know that women are almost TWICE as likely to get TMJ Disorders as men?...

If Your Dentist Acts Like This.. RUN!!!

If Your Dentist Acts Like This.. RUN!!!

If it EVER feels like your doctor isn't being thorough enough... run. TMDs are EXTREMELY under-researched. Meaning you're playing a numbers game with your doctors - even if they're "specialists" -...

If Your Dentist Acts Like This.. RUN!!!

If it EVER feels like your doctor isn't being thorough enough... run. TMDs are EXTREMELY under-researched. Meaning you're playing a numbers game with your doctors - even if they're "specialists" -...

The Cause and Cure for TMJ Disorders That Went Viral

The Cause and Cure for TMJ Disorders That Went ...

The article by Dr. Larsen or MSK Neurology has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times across platforms and commented on by almost a thousand people. As far as TMJ...

1 comment

The Cause and Cure for TMJ Disorders That Went ...

The article by Dr. Larsen or MSK Neurology has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times across platforms and commented on by almost a thousand people. As far as TMJ...

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Bagel Recipe for People With Jaw Pain and TMJD

Bagel Recipe for People With Jaw Pain and TMJD

It's sad looking at bagels now - they're just so delicious... but at a certain point, the TMJ can't handle them anymore. Either because they're too big to fit in...

Bagel Recipe for People With Jaw Pain and TMJD

It's sad looking at bagels now - they're just so delicious... but at a certain point, the TMJ can't handle them anymore. Either because they're too big to fit in...

Mewing and Looksmaxing - New Ways to Trigger TMJ Disorder!

Mewing and Looksmaxing - New Ways to Trigger TM...

However, because the trend of mewing is actually fairly deeply tied with the idea of "looksmaxing" and therefore facial aesthetics, it's safe to say most people who practice mewing actually do...

Mewing and Looksmaxing - New Ways to Trigger TM...

However, because the trend of mewing is actually fairly deeply tied with the idea of "looksmaxing" and therefore facial aesthetics, it's safe to say most people who practice mewing actually do...

Jaw Pain and Covid - Yes, There's a Link

Jaw Pain and Covid - Yes, There's a Link

It's tough to imagine jaw pain and Covid-19 have too much in common. But the reality is that according to (1), incidence rates of painful TMJ Disorders were over 3...

Jaw Pain and Covid - Yes, There's a Link

It's tough to imagine jaw pain and Covid-19 have too much in common. But the reality is that according to (1), incidence rates of painful TMJ Disorders were over 3...